Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Desire to Inspire

When I stumbled upon my first design blog I could not believe my eyes.  It was like finding a stranger / soul mate who shared my same desire to look at absolutely beautiful things.  Beautiful design, beautiful décor, beautiful outdoor spaces and there it was on the computer screen - staring right back at me – I was in Heaven.  I was new to this creative way of taking inspirational interiors, images and ideas and sharing them.  

I became obsessed immediately with following my favorite blogs and would carry all of these beautiful images around in my head.  I eventually started making inspiration boards so that I could see some of my favorite images all the time.
They would then inspire a certain enhancement around the house, a do it yourself project or even lead to an idea that solves a decorating dilemma for a friend or family member.  The feeling of excitement that I get when I see an image of a room decorated just right or a beautiful home is like no other.  Reading my favorite blogs and devouring the beautiful images is something that raises my spirits on bad days, makes me feel creative and optimistic and stirs in me a desire to make the things in my life as beautiful as I can. 

This is why I have finally decided to start my own blog - to inspire others or at the very least connect with those out there that share the same passion for creating beautiful and inspired lives.

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