Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fresh Flowers

Is there anything more beautiful around the house then fresh flowers? Whether you are picking your own or buying them from the market, here are a few tips to keep them looking fresh and gorgeous.

From your cutting garden:
1. If you are picking your own try to do it in the early part of the day before the sun starts to drain them.
2. Bring a bucket of water and put the stems in as soon as you cut them.
3. Pick the flowers that haven't bloomed completely yet so they will last longer


From the market:
1. Cut all of the stems on a diagonal
2. Take off any leaves that will be under the water line in you vase
3. Snip off thorns and remove damaged petals

Use tepid water

Add floral nutrients

Change the water regularly

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing your great tips on cut flowers at Simple & Sweet Fridays.



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